✨ I am deeply moved by the research I’ve been conducting through interviews with women struggling with chronic illness. These remarkable, courageous souls have opened their hearts to share their journeys with me. 💖
My purpose in gathering these stories is to better understand the mindset of those who either don’t fully believe in their healing potential or feel they must walk this path alone. As someone who has helped many people transform their energy to break free from chronic conditions and autoimmune disorders, I’ve often wondered why some choose to continue struggling solo. 🤔
This research has illuminated something profound: it all comes down to belief and identification with the egoic mind. We’ve been so deeply conditioned to believe thoughts that generate doubt, fear, and skepticism—especially about our own healing abilities! 🌱
After interviewing about 20 women, I’ve discovered something remarkable: the ROOT CAUSE of their autoimmune or chronic condition is often the very same force that creates their disbelief in healing and resistance to investing in support! 🌌
I call this “Consciousness Captivity” – where we remain stuck at the same level of mind, continuously believing egoic thoughts like:
* “What if it doesn’t work?” 😟
* “I’ve tried so many things before; what makes me think this is even possible?” 😔
* “I don’t want to be disappointed again” 💔
* “I should be able to do this on my own” 💪
* “I can’t afford to invest in myself right now” 💸
Here’s the breakthrough: when we realize we cannot and should not believe all our thoughts (as they stem from subconscious patterns of negative and disempowering beliefs), we see that these thought patterns themselves are the root cause of our illness! 💡 And here’s the profound irony: the very same thoughts that created the illness are the ones keeping you trapped in it – but this cycle can be broken. 🕊️
Think about this: when someone aspires to compete in the Olympics, they don’t do it alone. They seek a coach who has either been a champion or has successfully guided others. 🏅 They understand that achieving something extraordinary requires guidance from someone who has walked that path.
Your health, your life, your ability to fully experience joy and vitality—these are even more precious than an Olympic medal. 🏆 Yet so often, we hesitate to give our healing journey the same level of commitment. Your healing deserves that level of dedication and expert guidance, from someone who has not only walked this path but has helped others successfully navigate it too. 🌟
If this resonates with you and you’re dealing with a chronic condition or illness, I’d love to hear your story. Your journey matters, and perhaps together we can unlock new possibilities for your healing.
Comment “Me” below if you’d like to be part of my research (I’d be so grateful!!) or to schedule a free healing assessment call. Let’s explore what’s possible when we break free from Consciousness Captivity together. ✨