Welcome to Your Online Healing Course!

Coming from many years of personal development including attending/crewing Tony Robbins events, I already had the belief that everything that happens in our life is happening FOR our greater good rather than TO us (which would cause us to feel as a victim). So each of the six times I had to be admitted to the hospital, I would remind myself by saying out loud to anyone and everyone, I know this is happening for a reason and I’m going to learn the lesson I’m meant to learn from this and it will be my biggest blessing when I’m on the other side of it.

During my 2nd hospital stay (about 3-4 weeks into this challenge), one of my friends from my Tony Robbins community sent me a message asking me if I ever heard of this guy. He attached a link to an interview of Dr Joe Dispenza on Youtube. After listening to him speak about how our thoughts create an emotion and together they create our state of being. And our state of being directly determines the chemical that is released from the brain. If in a low vibration state, living in feelings such as fear, worry, doubt, lack, anger, hurt, disappointment, frustration, jealousy, guilt or resentment day in and day out, it causes our body to live in a state of stress. When that happens, our brain releases cortisol which is pumped through our body. And when that happens over a period of time, many times it causes breakdown in the body leading to illness, disease and medical conditions.

When I heard this, I immediately knew...

With all of my heart that this was why this happened to me. I knew that I had been living in a state of worry and fear for quite some time and that that was why this happened to me. I also knew if my thoughts could make me sick then that means that they can also make me well!!! And so, I was determined to learn all there was about this process and I immersed myself in Dr Joe’s online intensive/progressive workshops.

I did the work every single day. Whenever anyone insinuated that I may have to accept my limited state as my new me, I immediately would tell them, “I’m going to heal myself and when I do, I’m going to help others do the same. “ I also believed that I would need to go to an advanced workshop in order to heal myself. I kept focusing on being there and imagining what it was like and just left it to the Universe.

Well, I wound up healing myself without having gone to an advanced workshop (subscribe below for a live q&a about my healing journey). Ten months after I went off the IV treatments I was receiving on a monthly basis, I received another miracle.

To master this practice, it takes commitment, focus and passion!

My magical, personal experience at the event is a story all unto itself (and so deserving of it) but suffice it to say that at this event, I wound up having the opportunity to meet Dr Joe backstage and present my story on stage with him. THIS!!!! THIS is the reason for my health challenge. THIS is where it was designed to lead me!!! I was already a passionate health coach whose sole purpose was to help others to overcome their limiting beliefs that kept them from achieving the goals they wanted for themselves and their lives and now THIS put me in a position where I healed embodied this work and healed myself and now (as my mantra that I repeatedly stated during my journey), my purpose is now to help others do the same.

I’ve done it for myself and I can help you do it too. It’s not just a select few who are capable of healing ourselves. IT’S YOU TOO!!!! We ALL have the power to heal ourselves!! If you are open to the idea that your thoughts have something to do with your health, I would love to talk with you!! I invite you to schedule a 30 min connection call so that you can share about yourself and your journey and see if we are a good fit to work together!

Choose your Offer Tier

Select the best offer tier below to suit your current needs.

Tier One

Access to Course and all the trainings/meditations for 3 months

Connections Creators Membership and all it includes -3 months

Overcome to Become Community -3 months

Tier Two

Access to Course and all trainings/meditations for 3 months

Weekly Group Coaching Session

3 Private Monthly Coaching Sessions for 1st 3 Months (with me or another coach)

Overcome to Become Community -3 months

Become the Creator Membership for 3 Months

Tier Three

Access to Course and all trainings/meditations

Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

Six, 60-Min Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Overcome to Become Community

Become the Creator Membership (including Bookclub and Meditation live zooms each week)

Kind Words

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What if I miss the calls or can’t make them in person?

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What if I can’t afford the program right now? Do you offer any scholarships?

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