Our Life Is Our Masterpiece

Hey, It's Bonnie!

I’m the heart and soul behind this transformative space—a heart-centered intuitive coach dedicated to guiding you through any health challenge you may be facing.

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Signature “Overcome to Become” Online Program

Quantum Healing Circle

We all come into this world as a brand new human being that is yet to experience this life we were given.  We are dependent on others to take care of us and learn all that we are meant to learn in order to become self-sufficient in this new world.

During this time, our mind is a clean slate that is actively absorbing all the information being received on a continuous basis that is forming the “program” in our mind of how we view the world aka the lens through which we view all of our interactions, experiences and how we interpret everything that happens all around us.  For instance, let’s say you are 5 years old and you draw a picture for which you are proud and show it to your teacher. If your teacher tells you that it isn’t very good because you can’t even tell that it’s a tree and then shows you someone else’s picture and shows you that the other one looks more like a tree, that could lead you to walk away with the belief that you are not good at drawing which could then lead to that you are not creative or on a deeper level, that you are not good enough.  This belief then will cause you to make decisions in your life as though that belief were true – so perhaps, you will not take the chance of rejection by putting yourself in a position that you could be judged.

We all have certain beliefs about ourselves and the world (for example, life is hard, there’s never enough money, etc) that shape our reality and determine our life.  It’s the act of becoming aware of these beliefs that is the first step to no longer allowing them to dictate the resulting negative impact they have on our lives. 

Usually, it isn’t until we start to awaken to the fact that we are not our thoughts when we are able to recognize that just because we have a thought, does not make it true.  It is during the time of self-discovery in our lives that we are capable of really getting more clear of the contrast between who we really are and our beliefs we have about ourselves and the world around us.

When we start to get more connected to our true essence, our souls, rather than viewing everything through the limited mind, we start to develop the clarity that enables us to understand our true limitless nature and our ability to create in our lives.  For we are powerful creators!!!  Once we understand this to be true, we can then focus our attention on all the things that bring us all the elevated emotions such as joy, love, gratitude and the result of this will be creating the life of our dreams!! 

As a result, our physical expression of our lives (what our lives look like) is the culmination of the energy we have embodied during our life experience and could be considered our masterpiece of who we have been being in our lives.  Our physical representation of our life experience (our health, relationships, financial, lifestyle, level of fulfillment, peace, joy, etc) is a direct reflection of our inner environment which is a result of our consciousness.

Becoming aware of the lessons from our challenges and being willing to invest in and prioritize our self growth/evolution is necessary to create our greatest masterpiece of our life.

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I’m so happy to present you with this free e-book where I share my story and how I went from feeling like a victim to taking my power back and healing myself.

I know you can do it too and I hope it serves you well in your journey.

I hope you enjoy the e-book and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions! Sending so much love!!

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